© 2009 Etc. House Productions

Spring renewal

Spring's arrived, so we're getting back to our outdoor renovations. Emily's family came down to visit and she got a lot of help setting up a couple of garden areas. We're going to have raspberries soon!

Also, we discovered that we've got a nice, blooming dogwood, and some free-range tulips in our front yard. Thanks to an early-spring rummage sale, we've now got some dead flamingos guarding them.

And surprise, we've got chives growing all along the edge of our driveway!

posted by aaron at 10:42 AM on Apr 11 || Outside

The American Dream

We're moving from Madison, WI, to Carbondale, IL, to become a faculty member and a faculty wife at Southern Illinois University. Before that starts we're buying our first house. This blog is about what we do with it.


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