Fantasy X. Ding dong.

�Hello?� I ask.

�Hi.� It is a chick! This happens sometimes and they usually hang up in less than two minutes (which doesn�t count into my average call length) so I suspect it is my bosses checking in to see I�m really doing what I�m supposed to.

�Hi, who�s this?�


�Hi Tara.�

We exchange locations and describe the weather to each other. Where she is it is rainy and gloomy, kind of a stay-inside day.

�So, um. I just wanted to talk. Can I, uh, make a request?�

�Of course!� I�m not a mind reader here, you know.

�Yeah, well, if you could tell me a story about a time you had to pee really bad, I�d really like that.�

I�ve got tons! I always have to pee really bad. So I told her a story. (if you want to hear a story about me peeing really bad, you�ll have to call. NO FREEBIES!)

She asks me how I feel when I get up in the morning, do I have to pee really bad? Does it come out really hard and fast? Do I get embarrassed when I have to pee in public restrooms? She told me about this time she heard this woman peeing in a public bathroom, so much pee. She had never heard such a long pee and it turned her on. The woman came out and shamelessly proclaimed how she waited WAY TOO LONG and now she feels SO GOOD.

By this time, I�m wondering if this is one of my friends prank calling the line. But I look at the clock and see that it has been 13 minutes. No way one of my friends would throw down $15-45 to prank me on the line. I realize that this is a real call. We talked for 18 minutes, a nice long call, the whole thing about peeing. And she was so polite saying, �Well, I�m going to get going now, thanks for talking to me.�

Posted by ::: 2004:08:13:23:00