We're heading to Detroit for the rest of the year to watch hockey, drink and enjoy cheap Canadian entertainment. I don't know if there'll be any 'net access available, but if not I'll post up pictures when we get back, along with a series of 2004-in-review posts.

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2004:12:27:11:35


Greg Downey said:

Hey Aaron, hope you're enjoying the road trip. But it's 3:15 on the day grades are due (Wed) and it turns out I need you to reinput for sections 306 and 311 before midnight tonight! Hope you're checking your weblog comments from the road! (Ain't technology wonderful?) You should be duly impressed that I tracked you this far. If you don't see this in time then we'll just have to do an individual grade change for, like, 30 students. I mean, YOU will. Cheers,


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