In 2004, 40% of the songs to hit the Billboard top 20 mentioned at least one product brand; all but one of those was a hip-hop track. Looking at these findings from Agenda Inc.'s American Brandstand project, it's easy to see why McDonald's publically offered rappers cash to plug the Big Mac in their lyrics. On the other hand, it's hard to see modern hip-hop as much of anything beyond a way for rich, white people to get poor (at least before they make it big), black people to sell shit to other poor, black people.

Top of the list for the year? Cadillac, edging out six other car brands in the top ten. Some weird ones -- Cool Whip tied for 29th, and Kaybee and Toys 'r' Us both tied for 50th.

Posted by Aaron S. Veenstra ::: 2005:04:01:17:13