Sophie Says Sooth (2003.02.10): "Basically, what I am getting out of this whole thing is that the tobacco companies know that women have an oral fixation, especially in social situations, and they made longer cigarettes just to keep something in women's mouths for as long as possible. Maybe they figure we'll be quiet that way."

Matriculation Reloaded (2003.02.09): "We've got a month of rehearsal time before performances. As a writer I want to rewrite the script so much I could scream, or at least ad lib a lot. It's never strictly bad, it just doesn't quite have a voice of its own. You've already seen it if you've seen five randomly selected Parker Posey movies."

Sophie Says Sooth (2003.02.03): "If your love interest isn't mature enough to come right out and ask, this doesn't bode well for future relationships. What are you going to do, play truth or dare every time you've got some issues to work out? And what happens if they take the dare? Then you'll never get anywhere."

Matriculation Reloaded (2003.02.02): "While Bush put on his 'I'm so sad that I don't know what to do after my remarks' face and erstwhile game show goon Anderson Cooper, somehow a CNN anchor and not an insurance firm, did his best Aaron Brown 'such a shame' headshake impression after every story, O'Brien was grave but level."

Flick Chick - "About Schmidt," "The Two Towers" & "Adaptation": "Not only does it have a plot, it has a plot within a plot, and it is based on true life adaptation of itself from a book that it has nothing the majority of the movie. Sound confusing?"

Flick Chick - "Die Another Day" & "Maid in Manhattan": "James takes on bad guy and bad girl and saves good girl. James triumphs in the end in a blaze of fiery glory and has more sex. When a helicopter is seen in scene 42, there will be a big helicopter stunt in scene 43."

Flick Chick - "Catch Me If You Can" & "Chicago": "Jones' musical stage training really has paid off, ten fold. The only weak point in the casting was Richard Gere. His songs just fell flat and he is too severe for this part. I wish they could have found an actor who was capable of pulling off the numbers versus someone whom they could highlight on the marquee."

Oz: The Complete First Season: "Oz walks the fine line between homoerotic soap opera for men and a quasi-realistic exploration of the power structure inside one of America's maximum security prisons. While Oz possesses a premise that would make it a definite franchise show (as well as one that would get various parental watchdog groups up in arms and out for blood), it remains the red-headed stepchild of HBO."

Music in 2002: And So On: "This is music about the inside of a 16-year-old girl's head, soaked in peers and suffocating in small town Canada. How dare we ask it to be not-16 when it's 16-ness is so vital and crisp? Were we never 16? Did we never invest ourselves in crushes and warn the world we were coming so watch the fuck out?"

Music in 2002: Top 15 Albums: "I don't think more than two of these records would have made last year's top ten. In a year crowded with good records, 2002 had little greatness to offer. It was a time in which disposable music dominated -- I can't remember why I bought some of the records I bought this year."

San Diego Comic-con 2002: Part 1: "A lot of it sounded like standard conspiracy theory bullshit; I would like to believe him about the income taxes, though. Apparently it has something to do with the improper ratification of the 16th Amendment and taxing our privilege of earning money."

"Glamour Hose": A 14-piece photographic series from Natalie Meyer

"Pixel Worship": A new short narrative work from Aaron Veenstra


Do you smoke? No? Well, you'll want to after reading what Sophie has to say.


What a week. I can't believe I actually did things. Damn.

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